We're Doing Shakespeare Again - as "The Bard on Booze"

For our first drunk Shakespeare event, we produced "MacDrunk" to a SOLD OUT crowd at the Buffalo Room. On November 17 at 7:30, we're returning to Shakespeare and unveiling a new name for these special drunken events. We're calling them The Bard on Booze!

We had so much fun last time, we had to do it again. We took a poll to help pick our next show. The people have spoken so we're presenting The Taming of the Shrew: The Bad Hombres and Nasty Women edition!

Like with MacDrunk, some actors will be designated drinkers who start out the evening after taking several shots. Then they'll have to drink when they trigger drinking games rules, along with the rest of the cast.

We'll also have a drinking game for the audience! 

The Bard on Booze presents The Taming of the Shrew will be at The Buffalo Room (817 Westport Road) where you can get full menu and bar service from the comfort of your seats!

Get your tickets now!